Tuesday, 7 November 2017

The Munafiqoon alleged that Maula Ali (as) killed Uthman

The Characteristics of the Munafiqoon according to the world of Ibn al Hashimi

Second claim – The Munafiqoon alleged that Maula Ali (as) killed Uthman

Ibn al Hashimi states:

The Munafiqeen accused Ali (رضّى الله عنه) of taking the Caliphate after supposedly killing Uthman

Reply – These allegations were spread by Marwan who Ibn al Hashimi deems ‘(ra)’

Now this is where things get very interesting. If the Munafiqoon were indeed those that accused Imam Ali (as) of killing Uthman, then allow us to submit the testimony of one such individual Marwan ibn al Hakam. Imam of Ahle Sunnah Muhammad bin Yahya in al-Tamheed wa’l Bayan fi Maqtal al Shaheed Uthman, page 181, quoted the fact that Marwan had accused Imam Ali (as) as follows:

“If you Ali had not struck the murdered man openly, you surely struck him in secret”.

Now justice would dictate that Ibn al Hashimi deem this individual a munafiq, but rather than do so, we see whenever he mentions Marwan on his site, he refers to him as (ra) for example:

Ibn al Hashimi states:

The Shia curse Uthman (رضّى الله عنه) for taking Fadak away from Ali (رضّى الله عنه) and giving it to Marwan (رضّى الله عنه).

On the one hand Ibn al Hashimi defines Munafiqeen as those that accused Ali (as) of killing Uthman, and on the other hand he deems Marwan who had that opinion to be ‘(ra)’.

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