Monday, 6 November 2017

Did the Sabaites start the Battle of Jamal...While negotiations between Ali (as), Talhah and Zubayr were successful?

Did the Sabaites start the Battle of Jamal when last minute peace negotiations between Ali (as), Talhah and Zubayr were successful?

Ansar.Org states:
Al-Tabari assures that the people who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Muslims are the murders of Uthman: “When people came together and became in ease, Ali, Talha and Al-Zubair came out, agreed, and talked in the matters they disagreed with each others. The did not find a better solution than peace and to end the war when they saw the matter is started to be cleared and not achievable through war. They departed from each other agreeing on their resolution. Ali came back to his barracks and Talha and Al-Zubair wnet back to their barracks. In the evening, Ali sent Abdullah bin Abbas to Talha and Al-Zubair who sent Muhammad bin Talha to Ali in a job to talk to their comrades. They all said yes for a peace. At night – that was in Jamadah Al-A’akhirah – Talha and AL-Zubair talked to the leaders of their comrades, and Ali talked to the leaders of his comrades except those people who ate Uthman. They ended up on peace and they slept in a night that they never had before because of the goodness they are near to and because they got away from what some people desired and embarked on whatever they embarked on. And the people who provoked the matter of Uthman had the worst sleep ever because they came close to be doomed. They were discussing their plight the whole night until they agreed to ignite the war in secret. They took that as a secret so that no one would know what evil they were planning. They woke up at dusk and while their neighbors did not feel them, they (the agitators) sneaked to do the dirty job in the darkness … they laid swords in the believers. Then the people of Al-Basrah got angry and every people fought his comrades who were stunned …..”
The same event has been recorded from Tabari in a condensed fashion by the site…

Ibn al Hashimi states:

Uthman’s Killers
The murderers of Uthman [the extremist portion of the Shia’t Ali, i.e. Saba’ites] obviously did not want Aisha (رضّى الله عنها) to be successful in convincing Ali (رضّى الله عنه) to prosecute them. “And the people who provoked the murder of Uthman [the Saba’ites] had the worst sleep ever because they came close to be doomed. They were discussing their plight the whole night until they agreed to ignite a war [between Aisha and Ali] in secret. They took that as a secret so that no one would know what evil they were planning. They woke up at dusk and while their neighbors did not feel them; they (the agitators) sneaked to do the dirty job in the darkness … they laid swords in the believers…” [Al-Tabari, vol.3, p.39, year 36H]
Both Nasibi websites have yet again humiliated themselves since the chain of this narration is weak. The narration is located in the History of Tabari Volume 16 page 122 under the heading ‘return to Muhammad and Talhah’s account’. The chain of narration from where this narrative begins appears on page 120 and it is al-Sari-Shayb-Sayf-Muhammad and Talhah
Yet again, the presence of Sari and Sayf renders this narration worthless.

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