Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Imam ‘Ali had No Doubt that his Stance was Correct

Imam ‘Ali had No Doubt that his Stance was Correct

In Matalib al Seul, page 116 we read:

“When Imam ‘Ali prepared for the Battle of Jamal, he first of all raised his hands to the skies and made this supplication ‘O Allah, Talha bin Abdullah gave me bayya without any coercion, he subsequently broke it. May Allah (swt) avenge this and give him no more time, O Allah, Zubayr bin Awam also broke his bayya to me, he provided assistance to my enemies and ignited the flames of war propaganda’. After this the two armies began to gradually get closer to one another. ‘Ali stood in between both and then said something to Zubayr who withdrew his participation in the battle, whilst Ayesha and Talha remained firm in their position”.

From here it is proven that Imam ‘Ali (as) deemed his position to be the correct one. Nasibi opinions attacking Imam ‘Ali (as) are baseless. He deemed his position to have been the right one and Rasulullah (s) said, “‘Ali is with the truth and the truth is with ‘Ali” – so the Nasibi comments are without foundation. The advocates of Mu’awiya, like Ibn Taymeeya, are particularly fond of playing the ‘Ibn Saba’ defence card when pushed in to a corner, but the fact of the matter is – those that opposed and fought Imam ‘Ali (as) were by definition baghis (rebels) and there was a duty to kill them, they had spread fitnah through the Islamic State, the death of 20,000 Muslims can be placed squarely at the feet of Ayesha and her supporters.

It is little wonder that we read the following in Iqd al-Fareed about Ayesha in Volume 2 page 109:

ودخلتْ أم أوفى العَبْدية على عائشة بعد وَقعه الجمل فقالت لها: يا أمّ المؤمنين، ما تقولين في امرأةٍ قَتلت ابناً لها صغيراً؟ قالت: وَجبت لها النار. قالت: فما تقولين في امرأة قتلت من أولادها الأكابر عشرين ألفاً في صَعيد واحد؟ قالت: خُذوا بيد عدوّة اللّه.

“After the battle of Jamal Umm Awfa al-Abdia entered on Ayesha and asked her: ‘What shall be the punishment if a woman murders her child?’ (Ayesha) replied: ‘The fire’. Then (Umm Awfa) asked: ‘What is the punishment for a woman that kills twenty thousand of her children at one place?’ (Ayesha) said: ‘Apprehend this enemy of Allah’.

Were Imam Ali (as)’s efforts to resolve the matter via peace negotiations evidence that his opponents were on the right path?

Nawasib such as Ibn al Hashimi and Abu Sulaiman always seek to infer that the efforts of Imam Ali (as) to resolve hostlites through peaceful negotiations proves that he deemed the stance of his opponents was one pursued legitimately by those on the right path. We shall respond by asserting that our Imam (as)’s pursuance of peace was merely in accordance with the first option proposed to him by the Prophet, as recorded in Majma al-Zawaed, Volume 7 page 437:

Ali bin Abi Talib said: ‘Allah’s messenger said: ‘There will be disunity after me, so if you can make peace then do so’.

Al-Haythami said: ‘The narrators are Thiqah’

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